Dentophobia Cure: Sedation Dentistry

You break into a cold sweat and your hands are shaking. You toss and turn, but you can’t sleep at night. Thoughts of doom fill your head and at times, tears suddenly appear at the corners of your eyes because tomorrow you’re going to the dentist.

Don’t laugh, because this is a reality. It is estimated that about 9% to 15% of Americans neglect to visit a dentist because of fear. That’s approximately 30 to 40 million people, and some of them could be you or your friends. But this is a fairly common phenomenon and it’s called dentophobia. The answer to this problem is;sedation dentistry Highlands Ranch;and other locations in the U.S.


Dentophobia is the fear of dentists. It is commonly linked to odontophobia;or fear of teeth or dental surgery. Whatever it may be, people with this phobia will not go to the dentist, will not have their teeth checked, and will suffer in silence.

It is believed that the phobia was triggered by something in the past, something traumatic perhaps that happened to them in the dentist’s office, and that is what drives this irrational fear. This fear will keep them suffering from dental diseases, such as tooth decay and severe gum infections or periodontal disease for years or sometimes, even decades.;

The Solution

Sedation dentistry it is. That’s right—you go to your dentist’s clinic, and you;go under sedation. But that is the last recourse because you have options in sedation dentistry.

First, you look for a clinic that specializes in sedation dentistry services. It shouldn’t be difficult because many dentists now offer sedation dentistry, especially in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Explain the procedure you want; if the dentist asks you to come in for a consultation, he or she will advise what is best for you. But be sure to tell your dentist one thing—that you have dentophobia.

What It Is

Sedation dentistry is the use of sedatives by the dentist to help the patient relax during the procedure. This is done by administering the drug before and during (if needed) the treatment.

Types of Sedation


Minimal Sedation

The dentist will make you inhale nitrous oxide combined with oxygen. Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas. All it does is make you relax, but it tends to wear off rather quickly. There are no major effects on the body that you may be able to operate a vehicle right after the procedure.

Oral Sedation

With oral sedation, the dentist gives you a pill and it should be taken about an hour before the procedure. This pill, which is in the same drug family as Valium, will make you sleepy, although you’ll still be awake.

If moderate sedation is deemed necessary, the dentist may give a higher dose and this is the most common practice in sedation dentistry. The patient may fall asleep during the surgery or procedure but can be easily awakened.

Intravenous Moderate Sedation

The effect is still moderate but can be felt faster because the drug goes directly to the vein.

The dentist would need to bring in an anesthesiologist for this one. General;anesthesia;dentistry will make you lose consciousness completely during the procedure, and the only way to wake up is to reverse the;anesthesia;with medication. Under GA, your dentist will monitor your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. This is the last option in sedation dentistry.

Whatever you may choose, you have gotten this far because you need a dental procedure done you are afraid of dental procedures. It won’t be long now before your dream of having a sparkling smile and fresh breath come true. Now, go find a sedation dentist.

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